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queer little lies 2

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  • 19h00 Escher Theater > 14.11.2020
  • 19h00 Escher Theater > 13.11.2020
  • 19h00 Escher Theater > 12.11.2020

2nd edition

Following the success of its first edition in 2018, Independent Little Lies – ILL presents its second festival Queer Little Lies. Performances, movies, art, workshops, Q&A’s with artists, a masterclass: on three days, artists from Luxembourg and abroad will queer* your understandings of bodies, sexuality and desire. Be ready to challenge the norms!

* Queer as in: subverting gender norms, questioning stereotypes about bodies and sexualities, challenging the boundaries of binary thinking and cisheteronormativity.

Bistro Radio Ara

Book your tickets
Free access to the festival with the “I like what you do” Pass (25€) from Escher Theater


12-20.11.2020 EXHIBITION HVNGRY, Valerie Reding

20:00 FILMS
Alfazema (PT, EN subtitles)
Sabrina Fidalgo, 2019, BRA, 24min
Relatos de uma Rapariga Nada Púdica (PT, EN subtitles)
Lolo Arziki, 2016, 4min
Inspire the Night – BATEKOO (PT, EN subtitles)
BATEKOO collective / Red Bull Music, 2018, BRA, 14min
Premiere: A Coming Out Story (FR)
In collaboration with Centre LGBTIQ+ CIGALE we will also premiere this short film to celebrate the book publication of the „Coming Out Stories”.
Ornella Gueremy Marc / Centre LGBTIQ+ CIGALE, 2020, LUX, 4min


20:00 m.a.d. – mutually affirmed deviance (EN)
~reduced version adapted to the stage of the Escher Theater~
m.a.d. explores the collective body of four performers and their deviance from the norm. Together they venture a shared vulnerability and, strengthened by this newfound unity, they set out to disrupt the vicious cycle of discrimination, hatred and violence. Through movement and sound the four protagonists attempt to transform the martial meaning of m.a.d. (“mutually assured destruction”) into “mutually affirmed deviance” – into a daring “yes!” in celebration of the body and of their common breakout from its alienating socializations.

Concept, artistic direction: Valerie Reding
Choreography, performance: Bastien Hippocrate, Rafal Pierzyński, Valerie Reding
Sound design, performance: Ivy Monteiro
Dramaturgy: Marc Streit
Stage, object design: Christopher Füllemann
Light design: Thomas Giger, Marek Lamprecht
Oeil Extérieur: Simone Mousset
Video-Teaser: Oil Productions
Visuals: Valerie Reding
Production: REDart
Production assistant: Nico Dubosson
Co-production: Tanzhaus Zürich
Partners: Dampfzentrale, Grand Studio, Queer Little Lies Festival, Réseau Grand Luxe, TROIS C-L Centre de Création Chorégraphique Luxembourgeois
Lenght: ca. 1h15min
Talk with the artists after the performance.


19:00 Prinzip Katamaran und andere Identitäten (DE)
Prinzip Katamaran erzählt die Geschichte von Toni Silberstein, die sich weigert in die Schublade geschlechtlicher Zuschreibungen gesteckt zu werden. Schon als Kind mit dem Unverständnis ihrer Umwelt konfrontiert, erschafft sie sich trotzig eine eigene Identität als Gnoi – ein Wesen, das immer wieder in irrwitzig-skurrile bis tieftraurige Alltagssituationen gerät, die mit Livemusik und Slapstick untermalt werden.

Produktion: Theaterkollektiv RaumZeit
Schauspiel & Regie: Nic* Reitzenstein
Musik: Burkhard Finckh aka Charlie Fonk
Text: Jenny Warnecke
Dauer: 55 min
Nachgespräch mit den Künstler*innen

21:30 EDSUN
EDSUN is exuding a new kind of energy after a lockdown which he took as a time to reflect about how he wants his future to be. E wants us to come closer to him and to see sides of him never revealed before. From stories told on stage to a level up of self-acceptance he keeps commanding his stage like he was born to do it. Encouraging others to love themselves by his performance no matter the colour of their skin or the person they want to love, EDSUN likes to take new risks by singing, dancing and speaking his truth.

Denis Schumacher, Drums
Merveil Komi Doussiema, Keys
Randy Rocha, Dance
Simi Simoes, Dance
Length: 30min

Festival Prologue

27.10.2020 19:00-21:00 Centre LGBTIQ+ CIGALE
Workshop: Gender*Sternchen, Langage non-sexiste, inklusiv schreiwen – à vos stylos! Niveau avancé
Intervenantes: Tessie Jakobs, Enrica Pianaro
Informations et inscriptions:

29.10.2020 19:00-21:00 Hôtel de ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette
Workshop: Gender*Sternchen, Langage non-sexiste, inklusiv schreiwen – à vos stylos! Pour débutant.e.s
Intervenantes: Tessie Jakobs, Enrica Pianaro
Informations et inscriptions:

09-12.11.2020 10:00-14:00 Espace ILL : Ancien Tribunal Esch-sur-Alzette
Masterclass Q with Fernando López: Gender, sexuality and danced movement (FR,EN)
For performing arts professionals
Information and registration:

Coordination: Sandy Artuso, Jill Christophe

A production by Independent Little Lies (ILL), in coproduction with Escher Theater. In collaboration with Centre LGBTIQ+ CIGALE and Service de l’Égalité des chances de la Ville d’Esch. With the support of Ministère de la Culture and Ville d’Esch-sur-Alzette.

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